Thursday, May 13, 2010

the seasons

the once-baby on the bus now stands on her mama's lap; the baby carrier has turned into a stroller.

i have one more grey hair, near the part of my hair--it's wiry and wants to be heard.

the town is in bloom, rhododendron cupcakes all throughout; it smells like the flowers i imagine mrs. dalloway bought.

i've gone to windows down or open, and though i damn how quickly times goes, i love having the spring breeze.

Friday, April 9, 2010

on the Route 1 bus

Today I was riding the bus to campus and we were passing stops--moving, moving, moving. And the bus slowed down. I saw this guy running toward the bus and when he realized it was slowing down to pick him up, he jumped up in the air, did a fist pump and a celebratory shout. He outwardly did what we all feel inside when we catch the bus after a good sprint. I loved it.

Friday, February 19, 2010

i remember fantasies of glasses broken arms and being an orphan

Right now I'm thinking about each of you - Natasha and street lights and dips in the sidewalk, Kate and snowbound bikes against worn wood and Ally wishing she were at Rogers - and each of these places where you are or wish you were.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

the appreciation project.

i started looking at the faces on facebook and why i liked each of those people enough to decide to say "yes" to them on a website. tash, you know how funny i am about that.

so then i started thinking i should articulate why i really do appreciate and want to keep each of those people, even if i haven't talked to them since age 18, in my life via this social networking site.

you ladies care to join? i figured i'd call it the appreciation project.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

80s new wave

What is it about 80s New Wave? Jenny? You hear me, right? I hope you do.

Morrissey keeps breaking my heart over and over again and makes me believe I am really lucky because I do have amazing people in my life. Take that, world!

And then I thought... ROAD TRIP 2010!!! Whatcha say, ladies?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

christmas eve in borough park

If you want to order real lox and not lox spread on a bagel at the bagel shop on 13th Ave. and roughly 48th St. in Borough Park, be sure to ask for sliced lox. Also, I saw a woman enter a shop and fingertip the mezuzah affixed to the door. I had never seen anyone do that before. It is Christmas Eve, and I'm thinking of all of you and seeing us in old women bundled against the cold choosing the best fruit. From my doorpost to yours, love to you all!